

La Fête du Cabaret
A Succulent Soiree for All the Senses

Welcome to ‘La Fête du Cabaret’ where your hostess Truly DiVine and her assistants Foxy P. Cox and Bryan Mullen will serve you some of the finest cocktails of cabaret ..

WHEN: Saturday, September 20th //Doors 8pm
WHERE: St. Luke’s Wine Tavern, 39 Wellington Road, Cork

Tickets are limited – Booking is essential!
E20 with a glass of wine upon arrival
Contact: Nora on 085 1277103 / at the Tavern
Tickets may be collected at the tavern in advance or on the night.


Culture Night at the National Print Museum

Musical Stories provided by Truly and pianist Bryan Mullen

WHEN: Friday, September 19th // 7pm
WHERE: Beggars Bush Barracks, Haddington Road, D4

G(u)ilt and Glitter

G(u)ilt and Glitter

Economic Crisis and Burlesque in Ireland Symposium

WHEN: Friday, September 5th 9:30am
WHERE: Boston College, St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin