Video: Clonmel Busking Festival
Truly and the Pavement Kings raise the roof!
Moran’s Bar, August 9th, 2015
Theatrical Singer and Performer
Truly and the Pavement Kings raise the roof!
Moran’s Bar, August 9th, 2015
Recently Truly was featured on Newstalk 106-108FM – “Truly DiVine, a Dutch singer and actress talks to Orla about bringing Doris Day and Marlene Dietrich to the stage. She performs live in studio.”
In May 2015 Truly DiVine sat down with the OutMost.Com to answer 10 pertinent questions about her life and loves!
“IF THE WORLD WERE ENDING TOMORROW, WHAT WOULD YOU DO TODAY? Make love, drink wine and fall asleep in the sunshine.”
LINK: 10 Questions With Truly DiVine // The OutMost